May 26, 2023  10:00-17:00  1. Product structures on the relative symplectic cohomology / 2. Symplectic homology of affine varieties 1. 이원준 / 2. 배중현  129-104 
Feb 16, 2024  10:00-16:00  Lagrangian fibers of Gelfand-Cetlin systems 최진주  129-406 
Jan 17, 2022  10:00-15:30  From Boltzmann to incompressible Euler 김찬우  129-301 
Jan 18, 2022  10:00-15:30  From Boltzmann to incompressible Euler 김찬우  129-301 
May 17, 2019  10:00-14:30  An introduction to black holes and the cosmic censorship conjectures I &II 오성진  27-220 
Nov 06, 2015  10:00-13:00, 15:00-17:00  Introduction to deal.II Wolfgang Bangerth  선택 
May 23, 2015  10:00-13:00  Intensive Lecture on truncated Toeplitz operators 강동오  27-429 
May 30, 2015  10:00-13:00  Intensive Lecture on truncated Hankel operators 강동오  27-429 
Jun 13, 2015  10:00-13:00  Intensive Lecture on Bridge Theory of operators 강동오  27-429 
Jun 18, 2016  10:00-13:00  Existence and regularity results of very weak solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations file 유승진  27-325 
Oct 04, 2018  10:00-13:00  Riley polynomials of 2-bridge links and epimorphisms Teruaki Kitano  129-310 
Jun 23, 2021  10:00-13:00  Local Holder regularity for nonlocal equations with variable powers 옥지훈  27-325 
Dec 21, 2019  10:00-13:00  The Well-posedness of Backward Stochastic Differential Equation: History and Recent Developments II 남기훈  27-325 
Dec 23, 2020  10:00-13:00  Machine-learning for mathematics: case study of number fields and elliptic curves 이규환  선택 
Nov 02, 2015  10:00-12:30, 14:00-18:00  Introduction to deal.II Wolfgang Bangerth  선택 
Jul 10, 2018  10:00-12:30  Lectures on quiver Hecke algebras 김명호  129-406 
Aug 13, 2018  10:00-12:30  Monte Carlo methods from the perspective of financial engineering 안신미  129-104 
Aug 24, 2022  10:00-12:30  Vector bundles and representation theory on a curve 문한봄  129-406 
Aug 29, 2018  10:00-12:00,14:00-16:00  Optimal transport and martingale optimal transport, and their applications in economics and finance Tongseok Lim  27-325 
Jun 08, 2016  10:00-12:00, 13:30-14:30  The flexible Bayesian hierarchical modeling’s and their application in the Analysis of Financial Data Inyoung Kim  129-406