Mar 10, 2023  14:00-16:00  Introduction to fiber-optic communication system 배성현  선택 
Mar 17, 2023  14:00-16:00  Provable separation between QNC0 circuits including non-Clifford gates and NC0 circuits 신정현  선택 
Apr 07, 2023  14:00-16:00  Non-destructive quantum state discrimination via pre-shared entanglement 권혁준  선택 
Apr 21, 2023  14:00-16:00  Getting Started with Qiskit 김하음  선택 
May 25, 2023  14:00-16:00  Symplectic field theory and codimension-2 stable Hamiltonian submanifolds Richard Siefring  27-220 
May 26, 2023  14:00-16:00  Computational Quantum Chemistry on NISQ Devices 최민진  선택 
Jun 16, 2023  14:00-16:00  Quantum loss sensing with two-mode squeezed vacuum state under noisy and lossy environment 노창석  선택 
Jun 30, 2023  14:00-16:00  Minimal Data May Be Sufficient for Quantum AI 이준서  선택 
Jul 11, 2023  14:00-16:00  Thermal operations can be decomposed into simpler operations under catalysis 손정락  선택 
Jul 21, 2023  14:00-16:00  Local Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing based on {{7,1,3}} Steane Code in 2D Architecture 황용수  선택 
Aug 11, 2023  14:00-16:00  Unconventional Tissue-Interfacing Bioelectronics 손동희  선택 
Sep 08, 2023  14:00-16:00  Introduction to the quantum error mitigation 한해솔  선택 
Sep 15, 2023  14:00-16:00  Implementation of a general single-qubit POVM on a circuit-based quantum computer 권세강  선택 
Oct 20, 2023  14:00-16:00  Graph data analysis based on quantum probability theory 최하영  선택 
Nov 08, 2023  14:00-16:00  Predicting Agricultural Commodity Prices Using Deep Learning Networks with Multiple Time Series Data 민영호  선택 
Jan 26, 2024  14:00-16:00  Neural Quantum Embedding: Pushing the Limits of Quantum Supervised Learning 박경덕  선택 
Feb 13, 2024  14:00-16:00  Nonlinear nonlocal gradient potential estimates 이호식  27-325 
Feb 23, 2024  14:00-16:00  디지털마케팅의 이해 : 양자과학의 응용 심현  선택 
Mar 20, 2024  14:00-16:00  T-depth of quantum circuits 김태완  선택 
May 14, 2024  14:00-16:00  Local smoothing for the Hermite wave equation 유재현  27-116