Mar 24, 2014  10:30-12:00  Tutorial for Topological Data Analysis Talks Cho, Eungchun  129-310 
May 01, 2014  14:00-15:00  Rational torsion points of $J_0(pq)$ 유화종  129-310 
May 21, 2014  16:00-17:00  Classification of Calabi-Yau threefolds of type K Kenji Hashimoto  129-310 
Oct 24, 2014  16:00-17:00  Stochastic integration for adapted and instantly independent stochastic processes Hui-Hsiung Kuo  129-310 
Jul 24, 2014  16:00-18:00  Arithmetically Cohen - Macaulay vector bundles on hypersurfaces in P4 Carlo Madonna  129-310 
Apr 17, 2015  11:00-12:00  Almost sure local wellposedness of energy critical fractional Schr 황경하  129-310 
Feb 12, 2016  15:00-16:00  The index of an Eisenstein ideal 유화종  129-310 
Jun 08, 2016  17:00-18:00  Tropical Grassmannian and Dressian 신재호  129-310 
Jun 15, 2016  17:00-18:00  Okounkov bodies associated to pseudoeffective divisors 최성락  129-310 
Apr 15, 2016  16:00-17:00  Combinatorics on Dyck tilings 김장수  129-310 
Jan 10, 2017  11:30-12:30  Multiscale Methods for Filtering Turbulent Systems 이윤상  129-310 
Apr 14, 2017  15:00-17:00  Kinetic model for polyatomic particles 윤석배  129-310 
Dec 27, 2017  14:00-15:00  The Fourier finite element method for the corner singularity expansion of the Heat equation file 최형준  129-310 
Aug 11, 2017  16:00-17:00  Numerical Solutions of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Uncertainty Quantification Viet Ha Hoang  129-310 
Oct 04, 2018  10:00-13:00  Riley polynomials of 2-bridge links and epimorphisms Teruaki Kitano  129-310 
Dec 07, 2018  15:00-17:00  Discrete radial absorbing boundary condition for wave equations 전영목  129-310 
Jun 04, 2019  11:00-12:00  Higher order methods with local coderivatives for Hodge Laplace problems on cubical meshes 이정훈  129-310 
Jun 25, 2019  14:00-15:00  On the Bergman kernel for Hartogs triangle domains 박종도  129-310 
Jul 02, 2019  15:00-17:30  Exact Lagrangian fillings of Legendrian torus knots. Lec 1,2 배영진  129-310 
Nov 21, 2019  16:00-17:30  Bayesian inverse homogenization Viet Ha Hoang  129-310