Abstract: The mini-course is an introductory and self-contained approach to the method of intrinsic scaling, aiming at bringing to light what is really essential in this powerful tool in the analysis of degenerate and singular equations. The theory is presented from scratch for the simplest model case of the degenerate p-Laplace equation, leaving aside
technical renements needed to deal with more general situations. A striking feature of the method is its pervasiveness in terms of the applications and I hope to convince the audience of its strength as a systematic approach to regularity for an important and relevant class of nonlinear partial dierential equations. I will extensively follow my book
14 , with complements and extensions from a variety of sources (listed in the references), mainly

10/16()09:00 11:00 Lecture I.
An impressionist history lesson: from Hilbert's 19th problem to DeGiorgi-Nash-Moser theory; the quasilinear case { contributions from the Russian school; enters DiBenedetto { the method of intrinsic scaling.

10/17()09:00- 11:00 Lecture II.
The building blocks of the theory: local energy and logarithmic estimates. The geometric setting and an alternative.

10/19()09:00 -11:00 Lecture III.
The rst alternative: getting started; expansion in time and the role of the logarithmic estimates; reduction of the oscillation.

10/22()09:00 -11:00 Lecture IV.
Towards the Holder continuity: the second alternative; the recursive argument.

10/23()09:00 -11:00 Lecture V.
The singular case and further generalisations: immiscible uids and chemotaxis; phase transitions.
2018-10-16  16:30-18:00  A decoupling estimate related to Lindelöf hypothesis. 이정진  27-116 
2018-10-30  16:30-18:00  Continuum limit for discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations 홍영훈  27-116 
2019-05-07  16:30-18:00  Are difficult math problems enough to protect sensitive information? file Luis Hernandez  129-301 
2019-12-10  16:30-18:00  Spectral independence of compact groups Keivan Mallahi-Karai  129-406 
2021-07-08  16:30-18:00  An explicit computation of wrapped Floer homology ring via Seidel maps 권명기  27-325 
2022-11-24  16:30-18:00  2D incompressible Euler system in presence of sources and sinks Franck Sueur  선택 
2024-04-03  16:30-18:00  Hessian estimates, monotonicity formulae, and applications 박지원  27-325 
2014-10-13  16:30-17:45  Lower and Upper global bases of Modified quantum groups and Quantum coordinate rings Masaki Kashiwara  27-220 
2014-10-15  16:30-17:45  Lower and Upper global bases of Modified quantum groups and Quantum coordinate rings Masaki Kashiwara  27-220 
2014-03-11  16:30-17:30  Weight modules of algebras of twisted differential operators on the projective space Dimitar Grantcharov  27-220 
2014-04-24  16:30-17:30  Spectrum Analysis on some Kinetic Equations with Applications Tong Yang  27-220 
2014-06-10  16:30-17:30  Introduction to Arithmetic Dynamics 이종규  129-104 
2015-04-03  16:30-17:30  Existence of strong solutions to shear thickening incompressible fluids 배형옥  129-301 
2015-04-08  16:30-17:30  Cuspidal curves on Rational Homology Planes Sagar Kolte  129-301 
2016-07-05  16:30-17:30  Non-commutative mirror functor Siu-Cheong Lau  129-301 
2017-06-27  16:30-17:30  Towers of regular self-covers and linear endomorphisms of tori Van Limbeek  129-301 
2017-10-20  16:30-17:30  Teaching Human Intelligence to AI 황승원  129-301 
2018-01-02  16:30-17:30  Hausdorff dimension of the graph of the Weierstraß function François Ledrappier  27-116 
2018-03-09  16:30-17:30  Functional neuroimaging approach to reveal the pathogenesis of phantom auditory perception, a.k.a. tinnitus 송재진  129-301 
2018-10-10  16:30-17:30  Fundamental concepts in option pricing: Comparison of binomial tree model, partial differential equation approach, and the martingale method 최건호  27-325