2022-04-20  16:00-18:00  Hilbert transforms for groups acting on R-trees Runlian Xia  선택 
2022-05-25  16:00-18:00  Spectral Heat Content for Jump Processes file Hyunchul Park  129-406 
2022-05-30  16:00-18:00  Fluctuation results for size of the vacant set for random walks on discrete torus 김대성  129-406 
2022-05-20  16:00-18:00  Distribution of Hecke eigenvalues of GL_2 automorphic representations Dohoon Choi  27-325 
2022-06-20  16:00-18:00  Discrete Double Hilbert transforms Along Polynomial Surfaces file 김준일  27-325 
2019-04-05  16:00-18:00  Dynamics of continued fractions and conjecture of Mazur-Rubin Jungwon Lee  27-325 
2019-04-12  16:00-18:00  Classification of strongly positive representations of GU(n,n) and its application Yeonsu Kim  27-325 
2022-10-04  16:00-18:00  On the maximal Bochner-Riesz conjecture for p>2 유재현  27-116 
2019-05-08  16:00-18:00  Vector-valued function theory (I) 이우영  129-301 
2022-10-26  16:00-18:00  Free Probability, Regularity, and Free Stein Dimension Ian Charlesworth  129-406 
2019-06-14  16:00-18:00  Rational points and motives of moduli spaces of vector bundles on curves 이경석  27-325 
2023-05-30  16:00-18:00  A pointwise convergence problem for orthonormal systems Neal Bez  27-116 
2019-08-12  16:00-18:00  q-stability conditions for CY-categories of ADE quivers and twisted periods Akishi Ikeda  129-301 
2019-08-16  16:00-18:00  Robinson-Schensted correspondence and its affine analogue 김동관  129-301 
2023-08-14  16:00-18:00  Everywhere and partial regularity for parabolic systems with general growth file 옥지훈  27-325 
2019-09-20  16:00-18:00  Ergodic functions over the p-adic integers file Sangtae Jeong  27-325 
2019-10-04  16:00-18:00  Application of Langlands program to the Linnik problem for automorphic representations 최도훈  27-325 
2019-10-25  16:00-18:00  Hessian estimates for fully nonlinear equations via the large-M-inequality principle 이미경  129-104 
2023-10-31  16:00-18:00  Restriction estimates for quadratic manifolds of arbitrary codimensions 오세욱  27-116 
2024-04-01  16:00-18:00  A restriction estimate with a log-concavity assumption 문경태  27-116