2018-08-06  10:00-11:00  From the compressible Navier-Stokes system to shocks for the corresponding compressible Euler system Alexis Vasseur  27-220 
2018-08-06  11:00-12:00  Stability of wave patterns to multi-dimensional viscous conservation laws Yi Wang  27-220 
2018-07-27  15:00-17:00  Regularity for multi-phase variational problems 오제한  27-325 
2018-07-26  13:30-16:00  Quasimultiplicativity of a typical fiber-bunched SL_n(R) cocycle over a subshift of finite type. 박기호  27-116 
2018-07-13  16:00-17:30  Diffeomorphism groups of critical regularity Thomas Koberda  27-325 
2018-07-13  11:00-12:00  위상학적 자료 분석(Topological Data Analysis)의 통계적 추정 김지수  27-116 
2018-07-12  15:00-17:00  Isolated points in the spectrum of linear pencil of operators Slavisa V. Djordjevic  129-406 
2018-07-11  14:00-16:30  Lectures on quiver Hecke algebras 김명호  129-406 
2018-07-10  10:00-12:30  Lectures on quiver Hecke algebras 김명호  129-406 
2018-07-09  14:00-15:00  Hard Lefschetz theorem in Matroid theory Botong Wang  129-406 
2018-07-05  15:00-16:00  Semicircular elements induced by p-adic number fields 조일우  129-406 
2018-07-04  15:00-17:00  Log schemes, root stacks and parabolic bundles Nicolo Sibilla  129-406 
2018-07-03  15:00-17:00  The topological Fukaya category and mirror symmetry for 3d toric LG models Nicolo Sibilla  129-406 
2018-07-02  16:00-17:30  Annulus SLE partition functions and martingale-observables 강남규  27-325 
2018-07-02  16:00-18:00  Rationality problem of cubic fourfolds and associated K3 surfaces 박경동  129-104 
2018-06-22  15:00-17:00  Intensive Lecture on Operator Theory - Vector-valued Hardt classes (II) 황인성  27-116 
2018-06-15  15:00-17:00  Intensive Lecture on Operator Theory - Vector-valued Hardy classes (I) 황인성  27-116 
2018-06-14  00:00-00:00  Topology of hyperplane arrangements Thomas Koberda  129-301 
2018-06-14  11:00-12:30  Restriction problem of U(n+1)timesU(n) 한재호  129-104 
2018-06-12  15:00-17:00  Unipotent subgroup의 불변다항식 김상집  129-307