2023-08-14  15:00-18:00  KAM theory in active scalar equations I Jaemin Park  129-104 
2023-08-14  13:00-15:00  A uniform bound for solutions to a thermo-diffusive system 라준현  129-104 
2023-08-14  16:00-18:00  Everywhere and partial regularity for parabolic systems with general growth file 옥지훈  27-325 
2023-08-16  15:00-18:00  KAM theory in active scalar equations, II Jaemin Park  129-104 
2023-08-17  16:00-18:00  Spectral numbers in Tate Rabinowitz Floer Homology 2 Urs Frauenfelder  129-104 
2023-08-17  15:00-16:00  Calderon-Zygmund estimates for the fractional p-Laplacian Lars Diening  27-325 
2023-08-17  16:00-17:00  Lavrentiev gap for nonlocal and mixed double-phase problems Anna Kh.Balci  27-325 
2023-08-17  17:00-18:00  Lavrentiev gap for nonlocal and mixed double-phase problems Anna Kh.Balci  27-325 
2023-08-17  14:30-16:00  Symplectic Torelli classes of positive entropy 김준태  129-104 
2023-08-21  14:00-17:00  Gromov-Witten invariants and mirror symmetry 오정석  129-104 
2023-08-22  14:00-17:00  Gromov-Witten invariants and mirror symmetry 오정석  129-104 
2023-08-23  14:00-17:00  Gromov-Witten invariants and mirror symmetry 오정석  129-104 
2023-08-25  15:00-17:00  On the prime Selmer ranks of cyclic prime twist families of elliptic curves over global function fields 박선우  129-104 
2023-08-25  14:00-16:00  Quantum-inspired algorithms for estimating matrix functions 임영롱  선택 
2023-08-28  15:00-17:00  From Babylonian lunar observations to global surfaces of section Urs Frauenfelder  129-406 
2023-08-29  13:30-15:00  Upper Bound of the Quantitative Oppenheim Conjecture 강민찬  129-301 
2023-09-01  16:00-17:00  Geometry of the twin manifolds of regular semisimple Hessenberg varieties and unicellular LLT polynomials 이동건  129-301 
2023-09-01  13:00-15:00  The superspace coinvariant ring Brendon Rhoades  129-301 
2023-09-01  15:00-16:00  Pattern avoidance and smoothness of Hessenberg Schubert varieties 허지선  129-301 
2023-09-08  14:00-16:00  Introduction to the quantum error mitigation 한해솔  선택