2018-02-02  15:00-18:00  Coalgebraic principles of quantum field theory (two lectures) Jae-suk Park  27-325 
2019-06-20  15:00-18:00  Regularity theory for elliptic and parabolic equations in non-divergence form Lihe Wang  27-116 
2021-12-07  15:00-18:00  The canonical commutation relations and the local geometry of symplectic spaces 김현문  27-325 
2022-10-25  15:00-18:00  Ergodic theory of complex continued fraction maps Hitoshi Nakada  129-406 
2023-08-14  15:00-18:00  KAM theory in active scalar equations I Jaemin Park  129-104 
2023-08-16  15:00-18:00  KAM theory in active scalar equations, II Jaemin Park  129-104 
2024-08-06  15:00-18:00  Mathematical Theory of Neural Network Approximation and its Application to Scientific Machine Learning 고승찬  27-220 
2019-10-18  15:10-16:10  Introduction to Dwork's theory 박지훈  129-104 
2019-03-26  15:30-16:20  The nonlinear Brascamp-Lieb inequality Neal Bez  27-116 
2022-10-19  15:30-16:20  일본에서의 ODE 발전에 대해서 신정선  27-325 
2022-12-23  15:30-16:20  Hyperbolic-parabolic PDE Models of Chemotaxis Tong Li  27-325 
2014-04-24  15:30-16:30  Recent progress on the Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff Tong Yang  27-220 
2016-01-29  15:30-16:30  삼성 생산기술연구소 소개 및 수학의 필요성 박상봉  27-220 
2021-04-02  15:30-16:30  CM congruence and the derivatives of p-adic L-functions for imaginary quadratic fields Ming-Lun Hsieh  선택 
2021-02-09  15:30-16:30  Data-Driven Methods for Artist-Directed Fluid Simulations Byungsoo Kim  선택 
2021-04-16  15:30-16:30  Hecke system of harmonic Maass functions and applications to modular curves of higher genera 김창헌  선택 
2021-04-12  15:30-16:30  Singular moduli for real quadratic fields I Jan Vonk  선택 
2021-04-19  15:30-16:30  Singular moduli for real quadratic fields II Jan Vonk  선택 
2021-04-26  15:30-16:30  Singular moduli for real quadratic fields III Jan Vonk  선택 
2021-05-14  15:30-16:30  On some results about non-holomorphic Jacobi forms 진석호  선택